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    Casella LL 125/500 Hard Hose Irrigator

    Manufacturer: Casella

    New generation ENGINE drive hard hose traveling irrigator. Do not waste your energy for operating a big irrigation machine. High volume & range, the most efficient irrigator in the market!

    Hose Length
    500 m
    Hose Diameter
    125 mm
    Hose Thickness
    11 mm
    Working Pressure
    100 - 225 psi
    Water Flow
    800 - 1500 l/min
    Effective Spray Width (Diameter)
    100 - 120 m
    Total Irrigated Area
    555 X 770 m = 427,350 m² (42 Hectare) in 7 days
    DuCaR JET 200 or Sime Reflex
    4700 kg
    Driven by
    7 HP Hatz Diesel Single Cylinder Engine with electric ignition
    Fuel Consumption
    0.5 - 0.8 l/hour
    Hydraulic Gear Box
    Rewind Speed & Length Control
    Hydro Computer 260
    Manufacturer part number: LL-125/500

    CASELLA Hard Hose Irrigator LL 125/500 (7 HP Diesel-Engine Driven Hose Reel)


    Agriculture: Large crops, pastures and dairy farms


    This highly efficient hard hose irrigator is operated by a small 7 HP diesel engine. So, it does not require ANY water flow and pressure to operate the machine. The fuel consumption of the motor is around 0.5 liter per hour and you can run the machine up to 60 hours with one full tank. It is perfect for irrigation applications with very low flow rate and pressure. Except the friction loss along the 500 m hose on the machine, there will be NO pressure loss in between the gun and water inlet of the machine.



    • Heavy duty design
    • Hot dip galvanised trolley
    • Travel shut-off mechanism
    • High efficient turbine 
    • Italian made hydraulic gear box: Controlled by the computer system, powered by the attached diesel engine.
    • Sensitive speed control
    • Hatz 7 HP Diesel single cylinder engine with electric ignition for hose recovery
    • Super cheap to run! It comes with 30 litres petrol tank and fuel consumption of the little diesel engine is 0.5 - 0.8 l/hour.
    • Diesel engine powered computer Hydro-Control 260 with Start/Stop, Speed Control, Pause at the beginning/end of the run functionalities
    • Hydraulic pump
    • Hydraulic rotation of upper frame (360°)
    • Hydraulic control of left, right wheels (individually) and front lifter to the ground
    • Hydraulic lift for sprinkler trolley
    • Trolley with 2 Iron Wheels
    • 4 m Flexible hose for water inlet
    • Tyres : 13.0 / 65-18
    • Automatic Greasing System
    • Sensor to stop engine in case of no water flow
    • Discharge valve kit (Butterfly valve)
    • Water Flow : 1500 l/min
    • Hydraulic rear stabilizers.
    • Hydraulic power drawbar. 
    • Special design differentiated thickness polyethylene hose
    • Comes with Sime Explorer Sprinkler Head
    • Excellent Water Uniformity
    • Long Life & Simple Maintenance : The units are built from long life components and require a minimum of maintenance. Spare parts and backup service available.
    • Easy and safe operation
    • Very low labour requirement : The Casella LLS model irrigator can easily be operated by one man and the labour consists mostly of driving a tractor.
    • Made in Italy

    Why So Great?

    Due to the absence of a turbine there is minimal option for blocking and insignificant pressure loss in the machine. Consequently the irrigator will continue to drive at low pressures whereas turbine drives would normally stall. Accurate application and ease of use are just some of the things that make this machine so great. An optional method of application can be a drop slurry boom for minimal spray drift.


    But How?

    The computer is constantly calculating pressure and re-wind in speed to give a near perfect application rate that you require. Application rates of as little as 10mm are achievable. There are two ways the CASELLA LL 125/500 will switch itself off. One, the sprinkler trolley is fully wound in and a full irrigation run has been completed. And two, pressure to the machine has dropped due to the pump. Thanks to its dump water shut-off mechanism, your main line does not get extra pressure each time to stop the machine.


    And So Easy To Use...

    The CASELLA LL 125/500 can easily be installed where previous systems such as rotary boom irrigators have been used due to its ability to work at low pressures and the ease of operation. It requires no anchor points therefore the run width is not critical. The irrigator allows multiple irrigation runs to be completed without the machine having to be moved by simply rotating the hose reel to the opposite direction.



    Casella Fully Hydraulic Control Panel

    CASELLA Fully Hydraulic Control Panel

    This unique, cutting edge technology allows you to save lots of pressure that is lost to operate long range hard hose irrigators with turbine and longer than 400m hose.

    On left hand side of the panel, the hydraulic control arms operate the trolley lifting mechanism, put the wheels and tow bar lifting jack up and down, rotate the hose drum around.

    The hydraulic gear box in the middle spins the hose reel forward or reverse directions at desired speed.

    Therefore, the irrigator does not rely on the water flow rate and pressure to be run efficiently and constantly at the same speed.


    The gear box is directly connected to the cog wheel on the drum and it can be easily engaged and disengaged by rotating its leverage left to right.

    Performing as:
    - Hose rewinding speed can be adjust from 10 to 150m/h.
    - Lever for the control of hose rewinding - stop - reverse rotation.
    - Automatic stop in case of end of working and wrong hose rewinding.
    - Automatic protection against PE hose breaking by a valve calibrated to the maximum allowable strain with regard to the PE hose mounted on the machine.

    Casella Hydraulic Trolley Lift

    Simple, accurate, strong and easy to use hydraulic lifting mechanism for the trolley. It does not require any attachments to the trolley.


    The standard trolley of this irrigator comes with 4 cement filled steel wheels, hight and width adjustable frame and 3" flanged sprinkler outlet.

    LL hard hose irrigator chassis drum frame

    Squad type hard hose irrigator's drum and frame with no plastic covers! Designed for tough conditions and longest life span in the market.


    - Length of unwound hose up to 1000 meters
    - Initial pause 0 to 99 min.
    - Hose re-winding control 5 to 999 m/h
    - Final pause 0 to 99 min.
    - End of irrigation
    - Automatic calculation of speed by programming the irrigation time. 

    During irrigation the back-lit display shows: irrigator recovery speed in m/h, remaining length to be rewound, remaining time to the end of irrigation.

    Casella Computer 260

    The largest diameters on all major connection pipes of the irrigator to save energy.


    This irrigator is fully driven by a small (7 HP) diesel Yanmar engine for both hose rewinding and hydraulic control operations. The main advantage of this system over turbine driven irrigators is that it does not rely on water flow rate and pressure to run the irrigator, so the water power is completely and purely used for irrigation. The friction loss to operate this size of a machine is reduced by 25-30% with an average fuel consumption of the diesel engine of 300gr/h. This solution makes this system suitable for using hoses in large diameter and remarkable length (up to 700 m). Moreover, it is the only system allowing spreading of manures or waste waters at high recovery speeds (10 to 150m/h). Since, there is no turbine in the system, solid particules can be easily and directly laid down.



    The ELECTRONIC COMPENSATION system keeps the rewinding speed constant irrespective of winding diameter and hose traction force. When the desired speed is selected on the computer the sensor detects the actual rewinding speed on the hose then the computer makes required adjustment on the hydraulic control valve to keep the rewinding speed at the desired speed during the machine's run time.


    The machine comes with discharge shut-off mechanism. The valve is opened by an electric motor, when the computer of machine send the end of run signal. Since these machines are designed to work with high volume irrigation applications, using a discharge valve is safer than using a closing valve at the inlet of the irrigator for maintaining the pump's and main line's durability. 

    When the valve is opened by the computer, long poly pipe attached to the valve throws the pressurised water to  5 - 10 m further to make sure soil around the irrigtor is dry. 


    Special care has been devoted to the design of water inlet by means of large diameter pipes and wide radius elbows to prevent any pressure loss..


    OPTIONAL PTO driven purge pump would be very helpful to empty the hose before shifting machine from one spot to another one. Especially it is highly recommended for the hoses bigger than 125mm diameter. 

    Differentiated pipe

    The irrigator has a differentiated poly pipe which has wall thickness getting less from the start to end. Therefore, the hose has the highest thicknes where the heaviest weight is and the lowest thickness where the lowest water pressure is. This special hose allows you to maintain the highest water pressure you have and run the machine efficiently.

    Casella label


    Technical Specifications for DuCaR JET 200 Sprinkler Head
    Nozzle Diameter Pressure Jet Length Capacity Values for a single sprinkler
    Irrigated Area Rainfall per hour
    mm inch atm psi m feet l/min m3/h G.P.M m2 acre mm/h
    25 1 3 44 41 134 720 43,2 190 5278 1,30 8,2
    25 1 4 56 44 144 805 48,3 213 6079 1,50 7,9
    25 1 5 70 48 157 917 55 242 7235 1,79 7,6
    28 1,10 4 56 50 164 1050 63 277 7850 1,94 8,0
    28 1,10 5 70 52 171 1200 72 317 8491 2,10 8,5
    28 1,10 6 85 56 184 1300 78 343 9847 2,43 7,9
    30 1,18 4 56 51 167 1220 73,2 322 8167 2,02 9,0
    30 1,18 5 70 56 184 1383 83 365 9847 2,43 8,4
    30 1,18 6 85 57 187 1488 89,3 393 10202 2,52 8,8
    32 1,25 4 56 52 171 1383 83 365 8491 2,10 9,8
    32 1,25 5 70 56 184 1550 93 409 9847 2,43 9,4
    32 1,25 6 85 60 197 1733 104 458 11304 2,79 9,2
    32 1,25 7 100 64 210 1850 111 489 12861 3,18 8,6
    34 1,33 5 70 58 190 1750 105 462 10563 2,61 9,9
    34 1,33 6 85 62 203 1950 117 515 12070 2,98 9,7
    34 1,33 7 100 66 216 2033 122 537 13678 3,38 8,9
    36 1,42 6 85 65 213 2117 127 559 13267 3,28 9,6
    36 1,42 7 100 68 223 2253 135 595 14519 3,59 9,3
    36 1,41 8 114 71 233 2435 146 643 15829 3,91 9,2
    38 1,5 6 85 67 220 2317 139 612 14095 3,48 9,9
    38 1,5 7 100 70 230 2483 149 656 15386 3,80 9,7
    38 1,5 8 114 72 236 2683 161 709 16278 4,02 9,9
    40 1,57 6 85 68 223 2600 156 687 14519 3,59 10,7
    40 1,57 7 100 73 239 2700 162 713 16733 4,13 9,7
    40 1,57 8 114 76 249 2950 177 779 18137 4,48 9,8
    42 1,65 6 85 70 230 2800 168 740 15386 3,80 10,9
    42 1,65 7 100 75 246 3000 180 793 17663 4,36 10,2
    42 1,65 8 114 79 259 3150 189 832 19597 4,84 9,6
    42 1,65 9 114 84 276 3350 201 885 22156 5,47 9,1
    0.0 0
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    Irrigation Unit Conversions

    Convert a given value and unit to different unit type. Conversions are available for flow rate, area, distance, time, volume, pressure, power, precipitation, salinity, and speed.

    Click here to see unit descriptions.

    Precipitation (Water Application) Rate:

    Reference: Washington State University