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Each kit supplied complete with adjustable nozzle,strainer, brass nut and tails and clamps.
STANDARD KIT1 x 4mtr Length 38mm Grey PVC Suction Hose. 2 x 6mtr Lengths 20mm PVC Delivery Hose HEAVY DUTY KIT1 x 6mtr Length 38mm Grey PVC Suction Hose. 2 x 10mtr Lengths 20mm PVC Delivery Hose PREMIUM KIT1 x 6mtr Length 38mm Grey PVC Suction Hose. 1 x 20mtr Length 20mm PVC Delivery Hose
Convert a given value and unit to different unit type. Conversions are available for flow rate, area, distance, time, volume, pressure, power, precipitation, salinity, and speed.
Click here to see unit descriptions.
Reference: Washington State University